Sapmex is the fastest way to improve your Customer Satisfaction Index & boost your sales .
CSI, CSS, CES, CRI, VOICE, FCV, or what ever it is called.
Sapmex is effective Customer Follow up & the easiest way to sow today, your sales of tomorrow.
Sapmex increases your possibilities to sale more.
Sapmex encourages your satisfied clients to respond that quality survey you need.
Sapmex, puts all your potential clients in an AUTOMATIC follow up communication contact.
Sapmex prevents losing those clients without proper sales follow up.
Sapmex Live Chat Turns your visitors into a lead generation machine.
Don’t lose any more leads/sales that are coming to your website. Chat gives you an opportunity to engage in real-time conversations and convert more visitors before they leave. Boost your lead base and join companies growing their inbound leads, increasing sales and customer loyalty.